Because all things are made new for those who except Christ Jesus our Lord, it is then expediently important for us to realize that not only have we been made new, but we have also been sanctified, redeemed, and most importantly, saved by the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord on Calvary.
Each drop of blood spilled was done so as we could have forgiveness of sin. One thing that always astounds me is that if I would have been the only person in this world, Christ, our kinsman redeemer would have died for me. If you look in the book of Ruth, a kinsman redeemer was somebody who redeemed the family so as the lineage of that family would not die out. Boaz was that kinsman redeemer for Ruth. But we have an even better kinsman redeemer through Christ Jesus our Lord and I dare say, an even better advocate as he advocates on our behalf to God the Father.
I am reminded of the song, There is a fountain as with every drop of blood, he redeemed us on to himself. Why? The answer is so simple many miss it. It's because he loves us. Reference John 3:16:20
God sent his son Jesus to redeem, to sanctify, deliver, and to set free all those who would call on his name. The name of Jesus.
Are you set free dear reader? Are you made free in Christ?
If you would love to have the freedom found from being set free from sin, it's so simple again, many miss it. Call on the name of Jesus, tell him that you have done wrong and that you want to have him come into your heart, in to your life, and that you repent from all of the wrong doings you've done in the past. Tell him that you want to live for him and him alone. Ask him to come into your heart and the best advice I can give you is to find a congregation that preaches the word of God and to read from the Bible daily. This link will help you find a local congregation near you
In Christ's service